Daughter. Sister. Wife. Friend. Counselor. Able-bodied. Cis-gender. White. American citizen. These are just a few words that could be used to describe me. These labels only represent our best attempt to capture the infinite complexity of who we are. What about you? What words describe yourself? What do you think of labels?
No two of us are born into this world with the same DNA and no two of us have the same experience. We all posses differing amounts of power and privilege based on the circumstances we were born into. I have faith that most of us desire a more just society for all. We're not there, yet. But, it's the only direction I can see us heading!
No matter where we are, our families, cultures, and communities teach us who we are and who we ought to be. Sometimes, pieces of us don't fit that mold. As girls, we might try and push our anger, athleticism, or ability to do algebra away. Guys might deny themselves their feelings. But, it's painful when parts of ourselves are rejected.
Your whole experience is welcome here! There might be issues in your life that you're on the way to outgrowing, relationships or old habits that no longer fit. You are free to shed them, making room for even more of who you really are to blossom. Still closer to the woman you wish to become. The time to bloom simply comes.
I am a woman of many colors. My life has been full of moments of contradiction. How can it not be with all of the mixed messages handed down to us?
When things get out of balance, it's time to gather ourselves up, practice some self- acceptance, and watch as our problems become smaller. I invite you to take yourself as you are, in all your moments of contradiction. There is no box big enough to hold you. No one else exactly like you! The world is waiting patiently to see what unique gifts, talents, strengths, insights, and perspectives you have to share...
You were born in many colors. Not just two dimensions.
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