Tuesday, February 25, 2014

ABC's of Healing

A is for awareness, which is always the first step! Take what you need from this list of tools from A-Z to support and assist with your healing or recovery.

A- Affirmations come in handy during times of stress (ie "May I be safe").

B- Being easy on yourself tends to be more beneficial than beating yourself up.

C- Compassion for yourself greatly enhances your healing process.

D- Do away with what doesn't serve your goals- and do more of what does.

E- Envision the life that you desire. Enjoy the process as much as you are able.

F- Faith is taking the first step when we can't see the whole staircase.

G- Go to places and people that guide you towards greater health and wholeness.

H- Healthy habits are not created overnight. Have patience. You're worth it.

I- I can do this. I can do this. I can do this. Anything is possible.

J- Just keep going. Journaling can be quite grounding.

K- Kindness heals. What would be a kind response to this situation?

L- Love yourself. Let go of what gets in the way. Let it be easy when it can.

M- Make time for you. Movies. Music. More of what you want.

N- No can be a great word. Say no to what doesn't feel right. You know what is best.

O- Over and over again. Healing is a process that occurs over time.

P- Put yourself first. Plan for some pleasure as part of your healing process. 

Q- Quiet time can be helpful. It's okay to have more questions than answers.

R- Rest up for the task at hand. Replenish, restore, and rejuvenate.

S- Slow down. Slow and steady wins the race. You have your whole life.

T- Take what you need. Trust that you have a right to be here.

U- Understand that you are the authority on your experience.

V- Value your whole self. We have to be vulnerable in order to heal.

W- What would you be doing differently if you were already "there?"

X- X marks the spot where your healing begins. Is this that spot for you?

Y- You deserve your own compassion. You have always been more than enough.

Z- Zzzzzzzzzz... Still awake? Nice work! :~)

What would your own list look like? What else would be on it? What wouldn't be on it? Use the alphabet or a word of your choice, like C-A-L-M, to get you started...

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