Monday, January 21, 2013

Getting Transpersonal on MLK Day

Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was arrested 30 times for his participation in civil rights activities. What give him the strength to face uncertainty and adversity constantly while pursuing his life's work?

Dr. King once said: "Faith is taking the first step even when you don't see the whole staircase." It is in our nature nature to fear the unknown- but belief in something larger than ourselves can help us to face it; another way of saying this is belief in something transpersonal or beyond the personal.

What is transpersonal you? What allows you to take a break from being solely identified with your personal thoughts and emotions and tap into something bigger?

Dr. King's faith, which happened to be Christian, clearly allowed him to draw from a larger wellspring and work for the greater good. This MLK Day, in addition to finding your unique way to join in the work for equal rights which is far from over, why not also find a way to get transpersonal? Turn yourself over to a flow activity that allows you to lose yourself in the doing. Find a few quiet moments to meditate on a subject that is near and dear to you. Practice trusting your open heart and mind.

Dr. King's life's work reminds us that we don't need to know the outcome to let go of our thoughts and fears and find strength in our hope and faith instead. As poet Robert Frost said, "the best way out is always though."

Ready to be a part of the change? Here are some ways you can Get Involved.

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